Saturday, October 31, 2009

2009 Check Ride - Starts November 1st

The checkride period this year will be from November 1st to November 30th. As in previous years, this is a mandatory checkride for all members of AeroTexas. The difference this year is there are two options:

The first option is the easiest - simply pick any flight from the regional or continental schedules at AeroTexas, and complete that flight on the VATSIM network using your AeroTexas ID as the callsign. Then, report your flight as usual and note in the comments section that the flight was a checkride, and that it was flown on VATSIM.

The second option is similar to what you've seen in the past - completing a flight using a variant of ATAVS; this option may not be available until mid-November, which might leave only a two-week window (more details will be released here when it's ready).

I would really prefer if everyone chose the first option, as we could use the exposure on the VATSIM network. And as further motivation, the second option will be particularly challenging (i.e., about a two-hour flight with no autopilot and lots of VOR work).

The check ride period starts tomorrow - Happy Halloween!

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